Lepneva M. —
The Life of Wenhai Fuju, Or How the Emperors Upheld the “School Awareness” of Buddhist Monks in 18th-Century China
// Исторический журнал: научные исследования. – 2019. – № 3.
– С. 93 - 105.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.3.29613
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/hsmag/article_29613.html
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Аннотация: This paper revisits the concept of “school awareness”, which in previous scholarship was mostly regarded as a result of the penetration of Chinese patriarchal patterns into the Buddhist community against the background of loosened state control during the late Ming Period. Particular attention is directed to the fact that such a viewpoint concerning the Buddhist community existed up to as late as the 18th century. One of the primary examples of "school awareness" at the late stage of its existence is Wenhai Fuju (1685 - 1765), who adopted a series of steps to promote the prestige of the Qianhua branch of the Vinaya school of Chinese Buddhism. In order to examine his activities in detail, this paper synthesizes data from various sources producing a complete, chronologically-arranged biography. The analysis of obtained results demonstrated that the majority of Wenhai Fuju’s endeavors embodying his “school awareness” were in fact driven by the needs and possibilities of interacting with the Yongzheng (1723 - 1735) or Qianlong (1736 - 1795) emperors. This allows the author to conclude that the official authorities expected and approved the aim towards a dominating position of a particular Buddhist school. Hence, it was the impact of imperial policy that had kept up the active support of “school awareness” of the Buddhist monks in China during the 18th century.
Lepneva M. —
Life of Wenhai Fuju, or how the emperors upheld the “school awareness” of Buddhist monks in the XVIII-century China
// SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2019. – № 3.
– С. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.3.29718
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/psen/article_29718.html
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Аннотация: This paper revisits the concept of “school awareness”, which in the previous scholarship was mostly regarded as a product of penetration of Chinese patriarchal patterns into the Buddhist community against the background of loosened state control during the late Ming dynasty. Particular attention should be directed to the fact that such mindset of Buddhist monks existed even as late as the XVIII century, with one of the main examples here being Wenhai Fuju (1685-1765), who adopted a series of steps to promote the Qianhua lineage of Vinaya school of Chinese Buddhism. In order to explore his activities in detail, this paper synthesizes data form various sources producing a complete, chronologically arranged biography. The analysis of obtained results shows that the majority of Wenhai Fuju’s endeavors embodying his “school awareness” were in fact driven by the needs and opportunities of interaction with the Yongzheng (1723-1735) or Qianlong (1736-1795) emperors. This allows concluding that the official authorities expected and approved such desire for domination for a particular Buddhist school. Accordingly, it was the impact of imperial policy that could have kept up such “school awareness” in the XVIII century China.
Лепнева М.Л. —
Линия преемственности школы Винаи в «Начальном подходе к обетам бодхисаттвы в Сутре сети Брахмы» Ицзе Шуюя
// Исторический журнал: научные исследования. – 2019. – № 1.
– С. 162 - 173.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2019.1.28558
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/hsmag/article_28558.html
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Аннотация: К настоящему моменту основными источниками для исследования истории возрождения школы Винаи китайского буддизма в конце династии Мин – начале династии Цин служат генеалогии и монастырские хроники. В данной работе демонстрируется возможность расширения источниковедческой базы за счёт сочинений религиозно-этического характера. На примере «Начального подхода к обетам бодхисаттвы в Сутре сети Брахмы» Ицзе Шуюя обосновывается, что подобные сочинения могут содержать информацию исторического и биографического характера. Раскрываются конкретно-исторические причины, приёмы и цели использования формы религиозного комментария для сообщения данных сведений. В рамках данной работы был выполнен сравнительный анализ биографий монахов школы Винаи, вошедших в состав изучаемого сочинения, с их жизнеописаниями в более ранних и более поздних источниках. Исследование показало, что Ицзе Шуюй новаторски переработал материалы доступных ему источников в рамках разработанной им концепции линии преемственности патриархов-перерожденцев, призванной повысить престиж школы Винаи. Был сделан вывод о том, что Ицзе Шуюй использовал доступную ему форму комментария по вопросам Винаи для поднятия престижа линии преемственности, к которой он сам принадлежал.
Abstract: The main sources for studying the history of the revival of the Vinaya school of Chinese Buddhism at the end of the Ming dynasty - beginning of the Qing dynasty, to date remain genealogies and monastic chronicles. This article presents the possibility of expanding the topic's source base through works of religious and ethical nature. Using the example of “the Initial Approach to Bodhisattva Vows in the Sutra Network of the Brahma” by Yijie Shuyu, the author demonstrates how such works can contain additional historical and biographical information. The author reveals specific historical reasons, methods and aims of using the religious commentary genre to transmit this information. In the article, the author undertook a comparative analysis of the biographies of the Vinaya School monks, which are part of the work under study, with their biographies in earlier and later sources. The study shows that Yijie Shuyu innovatively reworked the material available to him through sources within the framework of the concept of the lineage of reincarnated patriarchs, which was created to enhance the prestige of the Vinai school. The author comes to the conclusion that Yijie Shuyu used the available to him commentary genre on questions concerning Vinaya to raise the prestige of the lineage to which he himself belonged.
Лепнева М.Л. —
Основные источники исследования биографии патриарха традиции Винаи в Китае Вэньхай Фуцзюя
// Исторический журнал: научные исследования. – 2017. – № 4.
– С. 24 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2017.4.23195
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/hsmag/article_23195.html
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Аннотация: Предметом исследования в данной статье являются источники XVIII-XX вв., содержащие биографические сведения о Вэньхай Фуцзюе (1685-1765), седьмом патриархе школы Винаи Цяньхуа в Китае. Возрождение школы Винаи в Китае в форме т. н. «школы Цяньхуа» («школы Тысячи цветов», или «школы горы Баохуа-шань») стало наиболее существенным изменением в конфигурации буддийских школ Китая в конце династии Мин (1368-1644) и при династии Цин (1644-1912) по сравнению со временами Юань (1271-1368) и большей части Мин. Именно Вэньхай Фузцюй значительно усилил школу Цяньхуа, которая его стараниями стала претендовать на роль единственной подлинной школы Винаи в Китае. Все это предопределяет интерес к исследованию фигуры седьмого патриарха Цяньхуа. На основе изучения содержания источников и информации об их авторах выстраивается классификация источников с точки зрения хронологии их создания и полноты входящих в них сведений о Вэньхай Фуцзюе. Новизна данного исследования состоит в том, что были выявлены приоритетные источники для проведения биографического исследования Вэньхай Фуцзюя с точки зрения полноты и аутентичности их содержания. На следующем этапе исследования предлагается путем их сравнительного анализа и критики сформировать целостную биографическую характеристику седьмого патриарха школы Винаи Цяньхуа.
Abstract: The subject of this article is the 17th-20th-century sources containing biographical information on Wenhai Fuju (1685-1765), the seventh patriarch of the Qianhua school of Vinaya in China. The revival of the Vinaya school in China in the shape of the “Qianhua school” (“the Thousand Flowers School” or “the Mount Baohua school”) constituted the main change in the structure of Buddhist schools in China during the late Ming dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing dynasty (1644-1912) as compared to the era of Yuan (1271-1368) and most of the Ming Dynasty. It was precisely Wenhai Fuju who strengthened the Qianhua school, which through his help began to claim to be the only proper school of Vinaya in China. All this motivates the interest in researching the figure of the seventh Qianhua patriarch. By means of researching the contents of sources and their authors, the sources are subdivided according to the chronology of their creation and the fullness of information concerning Wenhai Fuju they contain. The novelty of this article is that it reveals the main sources for conducting a biographical research on Wenhai Fuju based on the fullness and authenticity of their content. At the next stage of research the author offers a comparative analysis and critical review of these sources in order to construct an integral biographical account of the seventh Vinaya Qianhua patriarch.