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PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal
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O.V. Sobakina In Search of Harmony: the Works by Andrzej Panufnik

Аннотация: Andrzej Panufnik belongs to those composers, who were able to create their own musical language and technique of composing. The life way of prominent composer in postwar Poland and well-known conductor in Europe was dramatic: then he emigrated in England in 1954, his music turned out to be performed in the countries of the Eastern Europe. That’s why in Russia during decennials till now he didn’t share the fame, which the other Polish composers received. After some break in composing he realized in his works ideas, which were the most exiting for him and revealing the interaction between musical mentality, geometric schemes and nature’ phenomena. The features of Panufnik’ works consist in consequent development of traditions of the European music; using such traditional genres as symphony, concerto, overture, he interpreted them anew and created the new forms of musical structures. Differing in their individual construction of the forms, Panufnik’ symphonies are penetrated through really symphonic dramaturgy that emphasizes their attribution to classical symphonic traditions. In spite of pure originality and boldness of experiments, the works by Panufnik never lose the relationship with the Polish traditions and culture, which are revealed in the subjects of his music and also in the accordance of abstract perfection with the richness of emotional content. All this give us evidences of rare composer’ creative talent and explains the incontestable interest to his music. In the Russian musicology the works by Panufnik had no analyzed with the exception of some articles of the author.

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the Warsaw Autumn Festival, the Union of Polish Composers, the Warsaw conservatoire, Leopold Stokowski, the 20th century, the Polish music, symphony works, Andrzej Panufnik, composer’s mentality, techniques of composing

Abstract: Andrzej Panufnik belongs to those composers, who were able to create their own musical language and technique of composing. The life way of prominent composer in postwar Poland and well-known conductor in Europe was dramatic: then he emigrated in England in 1954, his music turned out to be performed in the countries of the Eastern Europe. That’s why in Russia during decennials till now he didn’t share the fame, which the other Polish composers received. After some break in composing he realized in his works ideas, which were the most exiting for him and revealing the interaction between musical mentality, geometric schemes and nature’ phenomena. The features of Panufnik’ works consist in consequent development of traditions of the European music; using such traditional genres as symphony, concerto, overture, he interpreted them anew and created the new forms of musical structures. Differing in their individual construction of the forms, Panufnik’ symphonies are penetrated through really symphonic dramaturgy that emphasizes their attribution to classical symphonic traditions. In spite of pure originality and boldness of experiments, the works by Panufnik never lose the relationship with the Polish traditions and culture, which are revealed in the subjects of his music and also in the accordance of abstract perfection with the richness of emotional content. All this give us evidences of rare composer’ creative talent and explains the incontestable interest to his music. In the Russian musicology the works by Panufnik had no analyzed with the exception of some articles of the author.


the Warsaw Autumn Festival, the Union of Polish Composers, the Warsaw conservatoire, Leopold Stokowski, the 20th century, the Polish music, symphony works, Andrzej Panufnik, composer’s mentality, techniques of composing

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1. Собакина, О. В. Анджей Пануфник // Портреты польских музыкантов: очерки по истории польской музыкальной культуры. СПб.: Алетейя, 2010. С. 111–120. [Sobakina, O. V. Andrzej Panufnik // The Portraits of the Polish Musicians: Articles on History of the Polish Music Culture. St. Petersburg, Aletheia, 2010. P. 111–120.]
2. Собакина, О. В. Фортепианное творчество Анджея Пануфника: между интеллектом и эмоцией // Процессы музыкального творчества. Выпуск двенадцатый: Сборник трудов РАМ им. Гнесиных / Ред.-сост. Е. В. Вязкова. М.: РАМ им. Гнесиных, 2012. Вып. 185. С. 85–101. [Sobakina, O. V. Piano Works by Andrzej Panufnik // The Processes of Music Creative Work. Moscow, the Russian Gnesins Academy of Music, 2012. Is. 185. P. 85–101.]
3. Bolesławska, B. Panufnik. Kraków: PWM, 2001. 456 s.
4. Kaczyński, T. Andrzej Panufnik i jego muzyka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1994. 234 s.
5. Andrzej Panufnik o sobie / autoryzowany przekład z angielskiego M. Glińskiej. Warszawa: Niezależna Oficyna Wydawnicza, 1990. 375 s.
6. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception / Red. J. Paja-Stach. Kraków: Musica Iagellonica, 2003. 274 s.
7. Panufnik, A. Impulse and Design in My Music. London: Boosey and Hawkes, 1974. 34 р.
8. Siemdaj, E. Andrzej Panufnik. Twórczość symfoniczna. Kraków, Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, 2003. 409 s.
1. Собакина, О. В. Анджей Пануфник // Портреты польских музыкантов: очерки по истории польской музыкальной культуры. СПб.: Алетейя, 2010. С. 111–120. [Sobakina, O. V. Andrzej Panufnik // The Portraits of the Polish Musicians: Articles on History of the Polish Music Culture. St. Petersburg, Aletheia, 2010. P. 111–120.]
2. Собакина, О. В. Фортепианное творчество Анджея Пануфника: между интеллектом и эмоцией // Процессы музыкального творчества. Выпуск двенадцатый: Сборник трудов РАМ им. Гнесиных / Ред.-сост. Е. В. Вязкова. М.: РАМ им. Гнесиных, 2012. Вып. 185. С. 85–101. [Sobakina, O. V. Piano Works by Andrzej Panufnik // The Processes of Music Creative Work. Moscow, the Russian Gnesins Academy of Music, 2012. Is. 185. P. 85–101.]
3. Bolesławska, B. Panufnik. Kraków: PWM, 2001. 456 s.
4. Kaczyński, T. Andrzej Panufnik i jego muzyka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1994. 234 s.
5. Andrzej Panufnik o sobie / autoryzowany przekład z angielskiego M. Glińskiej. Warszawa: Niezależna Oficyna Wydawnicza, 1990. 375 s.
6. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception / Red. J. Paja-Stach. Kraków: Musica Iagellonica, 2003. 274 s.
7. Panufnik, A. Impulse and Design in My Music. London: Boosey and Hawkes, 1974. 34 р.
8. Siemdaj, E. Andrzej Panufnik. Twórczość symfoniczna. Kraków, Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, 2003. 409 s.