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Философия и культура
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П. С. Гуревич После Канта: на подступах к философии человека. (Неокантианство: немецкое и русское: между теорией познания и критикой культуры / под ред. И.Н. Грифцовой, Н.А. Дмитриевой. М., 2010, тираж 800 экз., 567 с.)

Аннотация: This is a review of a monograph ‘Neo- Kantianism: German and Russian: between Theory of Knowledge and Criticism of Culture’ in which the authors studied the importance of Neo-Kantianism for modern epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophical anthropology and other philosophical disciplines. It is underlined that it is the fi rst time in history that Neo-Kantianism is viewed in the context of Russian and German philosophical conceptions.

Ключевые слова:

philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of culture, anthropological philosophy, Kant, Neo-Kantianism

Abstract: This is a review of a monograph ‘Neo- Kantianism: German and Russian: between Theory of Knowledge and Criticism of Culture’ in which the authors studied the importance of Neo-Kantianism for modern epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophical anthropology and other philosophical disciplines. It is underlined that it is the fi rst time in history that Neo-Kantianism is viewed in the context of Russian and German philosophical conceptions.


philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of culture, anthropological philosophy, Kant, Neo-Kantianism

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1. Неокантианство: немецкое и русское: между теорией познания и критикой культуры / под ред. И.Н. Грифцовой, Н.А. Дмитриевой. М., 2010, 567 с.
1. Neokantianstvo: nemetskoe i russkoe: mezhdu teoriey poznaniya i kritikoy kul'tury / pod red. I.N. Griftsovoy, N.A. Dmitrievoy. M., 2010, 567 s.