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2016. ¹ 4.
Ñ. 425-435.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.4.68468 URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68468
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In his article Flerov analyzes the status of linguistic education in the current socio-economic environment of Russia. In the last century foreign languages were one of the most promising professional majors even despite the fact that Russia was a closed-off country. Nowadays linguistic education does not have such a high status and economics, management and law are in greater demand than foreign languages even though much is being said about the academic space, academic mobility and cross-cultural exchange. The object of the present research is the ability to speak a foreign language as a 'final product' of the process of linguistic education. The choice of the topic is conditioned by the fact that one's ability to speak a foreign language is a constant phenomenon despite changes with the labour market, educational standards, etc. The subject of the research is the image of a language expert as a professional under the conditions of a growing value of profession's financial component and simultaneous reduction in the number of workspaces where an expert in such a major may show himself or herself. From the methodological point of view, 'image' is a convenient category for analyzing the foresaid problem because it contains both cognitive and socio-economic features of a profession that are often differentiated or even opposed to one another. According to the author of the present researh, synthesis of these two components allows to take a new look at gaps and problems in linguistic education, in particular, those related to the transfer of the education system to the two-level organizational structure. The author of the article concludes that image and popularity of education are two different phenomena even though these two terms often merge as a result of education marketing. On the other hand, there is no denying that difficulties of today's professional linguistic development are quite objective and partly caused by specific features of speaking a foreign language. The author assumes that it is possible to overcome these difficulties through developing the system of linguistic education, particularly, more efficient use of Master's degree programs as an independent level of linguistic education. The author also assumes that by analyzing vocational training based on special features of a particular professional major, it is possible to take a fresh look at traditional educational problems and issues. This gives fruit for the thought and material for further researches, especially, in order to develop particular solutions of the aforesaid problems and issues.
linguistic training, vocational choice, professional route, educational route, professional education, linguistic education, linguistic knowledge, educational image, linguistic competence, prestige of education