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Программные системы и вычислительные методы
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Idrisova S.R., Sultanova E.A.
Prognosis of probability of further operating and analysis of possible maintainability of buildings and facilities
// Программные системы и вычислительные методы.
2016. № 2.
С. 210-214.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67840
Idrisova S.R., Sultanova E.A. Prognosis of probability of further operating and analysis of possible maintainability of buildings and facilitiesАннотация: The article deals with the basic of evaluation and indicators of operational safety of buildings and structures. The authors focuses on aspects such as the ability to predict the probability of further operation of buildings on the basis of data about the indicators of reliability, on the methods used in determining these indicators. The article studies the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Particular attention is paid to the urgency of the problem, identify its causes, among which the growth needs of many buildings in the reconstruction and rehabilitation, and the features of the building as complex objects. The paper describes the step by step construction of basic mathematical model, which is used in calculating the reliability of complex systems. Identify the most important problems encountered in the construction of the mathematical model, suggests some existing solutions to these problems. Evaluation of reliability of complex systems is carried out by methods involving the use of data failure and recovery elements obtained during the operation of systems. The scientific novelty is research of reliability, ensure uptime and minimal investment of time and money on technical maintenance and repairs of the building of the specified service life. Ключевые слова: constructions, statistical characteristics, complex systems, maintainability of buildings, building reliability, mathematical model, methods of assessment, diagnostics, buildings exploitation, technical conditionAbstract: The article deals with the basic of evaluation and indicators of operational safety of buildings and structures. The authors focuses on aspects such as the ability to predict the probability of further operation of buildings on the basis of data about the indicators of reliability, on the methods used in determining these indicators. The article studies the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Particular attention is paid to the urgency of the problem, identify its causes, among which the growth needs of many buildings in the reconstruction and rehabilitation, and the features of the building as complex objects. The paper describes the step by step construction of basic mathematical model, which is used in calculating the reliability of complex systems. Identify the most important problems encountered in the construction of the mathematical model, suggests some existing solutions to these problems. Evaluation of reliability of complex systems is carried out by methods involving the use of data failure and recovery elements obtained during the operation of systems. The scientific novelty is research of reliability, ensure uptime and minimal investment of time and money on technical maintenance and repairs of the building of the specified service life. Keywords: constructions, statistical characteristics, complex systems, maintainability of buildings, building reliability, mathematical model, methods of assessment, diagnostics, buildings exploitation, technical condition
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1. Afanas'ev A.A., Matveev E.P. Rekonstrukcija zhilyh zdanij. Chast' 1. Tehnologii vosstanovlenija jekspluatacionnoj nadezhnosti zhilyh zdanij. [Technologies restore operational reliability of residential buildings]. Moscow, 2008. 479 p. [in Russian]
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1. Afanas'ev A.A., Matveev E.P. Rekonstrukcija zhilyh zdanij. Chast' 1. Tehnologii vosstanovlenija jekspluatacionnoj nadezhnosti zhilyh zdanij. [Technologies restore operational reliability of residential buildings]. Moscow, 2008. 479 p. [in Russian]
2. Filippov V.N., Trushkin O.B. Komp'juternye tehnologii v nauke, obrazovanii i proizvodstve. [Computer technologies in science, education and industry]. Ufa, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, 2011. 3. Filippova A.G., Belozyorov E.S., Filippov V.N., Belozyorov A.E., Sultanova E.A. Development method of designing a typed unified user interface. The electronic scientific journal «Oil and Gas Business». 2011, no.4, pp.510-528. 4. Ostrejkovskij V.A. Teorija nadezhnosti. [Reliability theory]. Moscow, Vysshaja shkola Publ., 2008. 463 p. [in Russian] 5. Rogonskij V.A., Kostric A.I., Sherjakov V.F. Jekspluatacionnaja nadezhnost' zdanij. [Operational safety of buildings]. Leningrad, Strojizdat Publ., 1983. 280 p. [in Russian] 6. Rojtman A.G. Preduprezhdenie avarij zhilyh zdanij. [Preventing accidents residential buildings]. Moscow, Strojizdat Publ., 1990. 240 p.[in Russian] 7. Sultanova E.A. Avtomatizacija metodov usilenija konstrukcij pri rekonstrukcii promyshlennyh zdanij i sooruzhenij. Sbornik: Informacionnye tehnologii. Problemy i reshenija. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: Dopolnitel'nyj sbornik. 2014. pp. 84-88. [in Russian] 8. Sultanova E.A., Rezjapova R.M., Chvanov A.P. Informacionnye tehnologii pri avtomatizacii vybora metoda rekonstrukcii zdanij i sooruzhenij. Sbornik: Informacionnye tehnologii. Problemy i reshenija. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: Dopolnitel'nyj sbornik. 2014. pp. 170-173. [in Russian] 9. Sultanova E.A., Filippov V.N. Avtomatizacija vybora metoda rekonstrukcii promyshlennyh zdanij i sooruzhenij. Programmnye sistemy i vychislitel'nye metody. 2013, no. 3., pp.233-244. [in Russian] 10. Truhanov. V.M. Kratkij kurs teorii i praktiki nadezhnosti slozhnyh sistem. [A short course on the theory and practice of reliability of complex systems]. Volgograd, 2007. 162 p. [in Russian] |