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Философия и культура
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Кутырев В.А., Нилогов А.С.
Pro et contra инновационизма: за сохранение антропоморфной реализации возможных миров
// Философия и культура.
2014. № 2.
С. 180-189.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63920
Кутырев В.А., Нилогов А.С. Pro et contra инновационизма: за сохранение антропоморфной реализации возможных мировАннотация:
Ключевые слова: бытие, ничто, трансгуманизм, зомби, Деррида, программирование, антиязык, гомосексуализм, самоуничтожение, консерватизмAbstract: This article is written in the form of a dialogue and continues the interview of Vladimir Kutyrev, the author of the book ‘Time Mortido’, taken by Aleksey Nilogov. The main topic of their interview was the question about manageability of the progress and the interview was published in the NB: Philosophical Researches Journal in 2013. The interview has developed into a conversation. The conversation evolved around the hidden yet sharp dispute between the ‘progressor’ and ‘conservator’. Interlocutors give different and often contrary evaluations of the prospects of the humankind and opinions on the matter. They talk about the tendency towards replacement of everything alive and natural with the technological and artificial. Theauthortouchesuponthe relation between being and nothing, postmodernistic transformation of human into ‘something else’, elimination of the borders between genders and creation of weak (‘thinking’) and strong (‘programmable’) zombies. The author of the book is completely against the boundless expansion of innovative, i.e. post-human technologies and the idea of human im-provement. He tries to prove that the main goal of a modern human should be the preservation of his civilization in the anthropomorphous context. Society where consumption takes the place of production and the world are depicted as the global trading center. Keywords: being, nothing, trans-humanism, zombie, Derrida, programming, anti-language, homosexuality, selfdestruction, conservatism.
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