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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Правильная ссылка на статью:

V.G. Bondarev, R.A. Sapharov The Matter of Legislative Definition of Political Activities in the Russian Federation

Аннотация: This article substantiates the necessity of legislative definition of the term “political activities’ and the presence thereof and the legal grounds for its implementation in the legislation of the Russian Federation.Attention was drawn to the downsides by which political activities are defined in the revised Federal Law of the Russian Federation, dated 12th January 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Commercial Entities”. The authors believe that it is necessary to change the way of defining the extent of the political activities’ meaning and propose, above all, to include the activities of political figures and other persons whose actions in political relations are of a professional nature. These persons must be reflected in the law of the Russian Federation on political activities, as specific managers thereof. This is supported by a number of political figures of Russia. Facts and information on the legal regulation of political activities in the USA and the UK were provided in the article.The authors provide a comprehensive definition of the political activities and reasoning thereof, state general types of political activities, and provide regulations associated with the legal regime for the purposes of its execution. They propose the legalization of lobbying activities in Russia, due to the fact that it is an extremely important type of activity.It was noted that the supervision over the elections was only executed by the professionals in election law and voters’ behavior; and by means of conflict management they can optimize the election process in Russia, but in order to do so, these persons must be provided with the status of managers of political activities.The article was written using a considerable amount of the regulatory documents and other information sources. As research methods, the authors used: (a) the examination of the regulatory and legal instruments and legal literature; and (b) the legal evaluation of the provisions regulating political relations in Russia and other countries.The authors’ proposals in relation to the definition of the term “political activities”, the extent of the meaning thereof and legal grounds for its implementation are well-reasoned and may be used in the lawmaking process of the Russian Federation.

Ключевые слова:

Russian Federation, political activities, the legislative definition, a legal status, legislative, political management, parliament, political leaders, government officials, political responsibility

Abstract: This article substantiates the necessity of legislative definition of the term “political activities\’ and the presence thereof and the legal grounds for its implementation in the legislation of the Russian Federation.Attention was drawn to the downsides by which political activities are defined in the revised Federal Law of the Russian Federation, dated 12th January 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Commercial Entities”. The authors believe that it is necessary to change the way of defining the extent of the political activities\’ meaning and propose, above all, to include the activities of political figures and other persons whose actions in political relations are of a professional nature. These persons must be reflected in the law of the Russian Federation on political activities, as specific managers thereof. This is supported by a number of political figures of Russia. Facts and information on the legal regulation of political activities in the USA and the UK were provided in the article.The authors provide a comprehensive definition of the political activities and reasoning thereof, state general types of political activities, and provide regulations associated with the legal regime for the purposes of its execution. They propose the legalization of lobbying activities in Russia, due to the fact that it is an extremely important type of activity.It was noted that the supervision over the elections was only executed by the professionals in election law and voters\’ behavior; and by means of conflict management they can optimize the election process in Russia, but in order to do so, these persons must be provided with the status of managers of political activities.The article was written using a considerable amount of the regulatory documents and other information sources. As research methods, the authors used: (a) the examination of the regulatory and legal instruments and legal literature; and (b) the legal evaluation of the provisions regulating political relations in Russia and other countries.The authors\’ proposals in relation to the definition of the term “political activities”, the extent of the meaning thereof and legal grounds for its implementation are well-reasoned and may be used in the lawmaking process of the Russian Federation.


Russian Federation, political activities, the legislative definition, a legal status, legislative, political management, parliament, political leaders, government officials, political responsibility

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1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. Official Gazette of the RF. 26.01.2009 N 4, p. 445;
2. “On the Parliamentary Control over the Military”, the Model Law // the 18th Plenary Session of the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly: Ruling #18-13. 24th November 2001.
3. “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of regulation of activities of non-commercial organizations acting as foreign agents”. Federal Law dated #121-FZ 20.07.2012 // Official Gazette of the RF, 23.07.2012, No. 30, p. 4172.
4. How much does a party cost? // Simbirskiye Izvestiya. 7th April 2005. No. 15.
5. Kamyshev, D. Putin lost political support // “Kommersant-Vlast”. 19th July 2012.
6. Makunina, S. The Attorney General’s Office defined what they consider to be political activi-ties under the Law on NCO:
7. The Ministry of Justice wants to define what are political parties and political activities // Rakurs. 22nd April 2013.
8. Konovalov, V.N. Political Science. Dictionary. Moscow: RSU, 2010
9. Kudrin proposed to narrow down the term “political activities” in the law on NCO:
10. Zhuravlev, V.P. (ed.)(2005) Files of the judicial practice in relation to the electoral disputes and administrative liability for the law violation in connection with the elections in the St. Petersburg Area. St. Petersburg: Vesti.
11. Putin: the Law on NCO should not be neither stricter nor be liberalized // Moskovsky Komso-molets. 2nd August 2013.
12. The Ruling of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States “On the Model Law On the Regulation of the Lobbying Activities in the Government”. #22-16. St. Petersburg. 15th November 2003.
13. The Professional Analysis of the Bill of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Lobbying” // Re-search Centre on the Legal Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2010
14. Salischeva, N.G., & Khamaneva, N.Y. The Administrative Justice and the Administrative Liti-gation in the Russian Federation. Moscow.
15. Sitnikova, A.V. Legislative regulation of the lobbying activities in the United States of Ameri-ca. PhD Thesis in Law // Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation. Moscow: 2010.
16. Lobbyists Registration Scheme (1983), Ministerial Code of Conduct (1996). Re.: The Interna-tional Experience of the Regulation of the Lobbying Activities // Yurist. August of 2010. #8.
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. Official Gazette of the RF. 26.01.2009 N 4, p. 445;
2. “On the Parliamentary Control over the Military”, the Model Law // the 18th Plenary Session of the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly: Ruling #18-13. 24th November 2001.
3. “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of regulation of activities of non-commercial organizations acting as foreign agents”. Federal Law dated #121-FZ 20.07.2012 // Official Gazette of the RF, 23.07.2012, No. 30, p. 4172.
4. How much does a party cost? // Simbirskiye Izvestiya. 7th April 2005. No. 15.
5. Kamyshev, D. Putin lost political support // “Kommersant-Vlast”. 19th July 2012.
6. Makunina, S. The Attorney General’s Office defined what they consider to be political activi-ties under the Law on NCO:
7. The Ministry of Justice wants to define what are political parties and political activities // Rakurs. 22nd April 2013.
8. Konovalov, V.N. Political Science. Dictionary. Moscow: RSU, 2010
9. Kudrin proposed to narrow down the term “political activities” in the law on NCO:
10. Zhuravlev, V.P. (ed.)(2005) Files of the judicial practice in relation to the electoral disputes and administrative liability for the law violation in connection with the elections in the St. Petersburg Area. St. Petersburg: Vesti.
11. Putin: the Law on NCO should not be neither stricter nor be liberalized // Moskovsky Komso-molets. 2nd August 2013.
12. The Ruling of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States “On the Model Law On the Regulation of the Lobbying Activities in the Government”. #22-16. St. Petersburg. 15th November 2003.
13. The Professional Analysis of the Bill of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Lobbying” // Re-search Centre on the Legal Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2010
14. Salischeva, N.G., & Khamaneva, N.Y. The Administrative Justice and the Administrative Liti-gation in the Russian Federation. Moscow.
15. Sitnikova, A.V. Legislative regulation of the lobbying activities in the United States of Ameri-ca. PhD Thesis in Law // Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation. Moscow: 2010.
16. Lobbyists Registration Scheme (1983), Ministerial Code of Conduct (1996). Re.: The Interna-tional Experience of the Regulation of the Lobbying Activities // Yurist. August of 2010. #8.