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Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
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О.О. Салагай Меры по противодействию употреблению табачных изделий в праве Европейского Союза

Аннотация: Настоящая работа посвящена исследованию вопросов регулирования мер по противодействию потреблению табака в праве Европейского союза. Результаты показали, что основными направлениями, по которым осуществляется регулирование потребления табака в ЕС, являются: установление требований собственно к табачным изделиям, их упаковке и маркировке; запрет трансграничной рекламы и спонсорства табака; изменение сельскохозяйственной политики в отношении выращивания табака; налоговая политика; создание окружения, свободного от табачного дыма, предупреждение нелегального оборота табачных изделий. Автором был выработан также ряд предложений по совершенствованию законодательства РФ в соответствующей области.

Ключевые слова:

сравнительное правоведение, табак, ЕС, здоровье, директивы, заболевания, курение, контрафакт, сигареты, торговля.

Abstract: This article is focused on the research of legislative measures took to combat tobacco consumption in the European Union law. The results showed that the main lines along which the regulation of tobacco consumption in the EU is realized were: setting proper requirements to tobacco products, their packaging and labeling, the prohibition of cross– border advertising and sponsorship of tobacco, the change in agricultural policy on tobacco, tax policy, the creation of tobacco–free environment, and prevention of illicit trade of tobacco products. Several proposals to improve the relevant legislation of the Russian Federation were also made by author.


European law, tobacco, comparative law.

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1. Концепция внешней политики РФ (утв. 12.07.2008 № Пр–1440) // СПС «Консультант–Плюс».
2. Доклад Общественной палаты РФ «Табачная эпидемия в России: причины, последствия, пути преодоления» // Дата доступа: 12.08.2010.
3. C–304/01 Spain v Commission [2004] ECR I–0000.
4. Case 265/87 Schröder [1989] ECR 2237.
5. Case C–11/92– The Queen v Secretary of State for Health, ex parte Gallaher Ltd, Imperial Tobacco Ltd and Rothmans International Tobacco (UK) Ltd.
6. Case C–110/97 Netherlands v Council [2001] ECR I–8763.
7. Case C–210/00 Küserei Champignon Hofmeister [2002] ECR I–6453.
8. Case C–210/03 – The Queen, on the application of: Swedish Match AB and Swedish Match UK Ltd v Secretary of State for Health.
9. Case C–280/93 Germany v Council [1994] ECR I–4973.
10. Case C–293/97 Standley and Others [1999] ECR I–2603.
11. Case C–350/92 Spain v Council [1995] ECR I–1985.
12. Case C–359/92 Germany v Council [1994] ECR I–3681.
13. Case C–376/98 Germany v. European Parliament and the Council, judgment of 5 October 2000.
14. Case C–377/98 Netherlands v Parliament and Council [2001] ECR I–7079.
15. Case C–434/02– Arnold André; GmbH & Co. KG v Landrat des Kreises Herford.
16. Case C–491/01 British American Tobacco (Investments) and Imperial Tobacco [2002] ECR I–11453.
17. Commission Proposal for a Council directive amending Directives 92/79/EEC, 92/80/EEC and 95/59/EC on the struc–ture and rates of excise duty applied on manufactured tobacco // Document COM(2008) 459/2.
18. Commission Decision 2003/641/EC of 5 September 2003 on the use of colour photographs or other illustrations as health warnings on tobacco packages.
19. Commission Decision of 26 May 2005 on the library of selected source documents containing colour photographs or other illustrations for each of the additional warnings listed in annex 1 to Directive 2001/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (C(2005) 1452 final).
20. Commission of the European Communities Commission staff working document Accompanying document to the pro–posal for a Council Recommendation on smoke–free environments 30 June 2009 SEC(2009) 895.
21. Commission of the European Communities Proposal for a Council recommendation on smoke–free environments 30 June 2009 COM(2009) 328 final
22. Council Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by Law, Regulation or Administrative Action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities.
23. Directive 2001/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2001 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of to–bacco products // Official Journal L 194, 18/07/2001 P. 0026–0035
24. Directive 2010/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2010 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services (Audiovisual Media Services Directive).
25. Daniel Roth H., Roth A.B., Liu X. Health risks of smoking compared to Swedish snus / H. Daniel Roth, A.B. Roth, X. Liu // Inhal Toxicol. 2005. № 17(13). P. 741–748.
26. Directorate General Taxation and Custom Union Excise duty tables // REF 1031, July 2010
27. Fagerström K.O., Schildt E.B. Should the European Union lift the ban on snus? Evidence from the Swedish experience. / K.O. Fagerström, E.B. Schildt // Addiction. 2003. № 98(9). P. 1191–1195.
28. Hammond D et al. Impact of the graphic Canadian warning labels on adult smoking behaviour / D. Hammond et al. // Tob Control. 2003. № 12(4). Р. 391–395.
29. Nordenvall C. et al. Smoking, snus use and risk of right– and left–sided colon, rectal, and anal cancer, a 37–year follow–up study / C. Nordenvall, P.J. Nilsson, W. Ye, O. Nyrén // Int J Cancer. 2010. —Mar 5. [Epub ahead of print]
30. Shelly L., Melzer S. The Nexus of Organized Crime and Terrorism: Two case studies in Cigarette Smuggling / L. Shelly, S. Melzer // International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 2008. № 32(1). Р. 43–65.
31. Tomar S.L. et al. Oral mucosal smokeless tobacco lesions among adolescents in the United States / S.L. Tomar, D.M. Winn, P.A. Swango, G.A. Giovino, D.V. Kleinman // Journal of Dental Research. 1997. № 76. P. 1277–1286.
32. Tworek C. et al. State–level tobacco control policies and youth smoking cessation measures / C. Tworek, R. Yamaguchi, D.D. Kloska, S. Emery, D.C. Barker, G.A. Giovino, P.M. O’Malley, F.J. Chaloupka // Health Policy. 2010. May 17. [Epub ahead of print]
33. White V., Webster B., Wakefield M. Do graphic health warning labels have an impact on adolescents’ smoking– related beliefs and behaviours? / V. White, B. Webster, M. Wakefield // Addiction. 2008. № 103(9). Р.1562–1571.
34. WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2009.
35. Zendehdel K. et al. Risk of gastroesophageal cancer among smokers and users of Scandinavian moist snuff / K. Zendehdel, O. Nyrén, J. Luo, P.W. Dickman, P. Boffetta, A. Englund, W. Ye // Int J Cancer. 2008. № 122(5). P. 1095–1099.
36. Янин Д. Почему в России не будет табачных бунтов //, 16 июня 2010 года, blogpost/51237–pochemu–v–rossii–ne–budet–tabachnyh–buntov Дата доступа: 11 августа 2010 г
1. Kontseptsiya vneshney politiki RF (utv. 12.07.2008 № Pr–1440) // SPS «Konsul'tant–Plyus».
2. Doklad Obshchestvennoy palaty RF «Tabachnaya epidemiya v Rossii: prichiny, posledstviya, puti preodoleniya» // Data dostupa: 12.08.2010.
3. C–304/01 Spain v Commission [2004] ECR I–0000.
4. Case 265/87 Schröder [1989] ECR 2237.
5. Case C–11/92– The Queen v Secretary of State for Health, ex parte Gallaher Ltd, Imperial Tobacco Ltd and Rothmans International Tobacco (UK) Ltd.
6. Case C–110/97 Netherlands v Council [2001] ECR I–8763.
7. Case C–210/00 Küserei Champignon Hofmeister [2002] ECR I–6453.
8. Case C–210/03 – The Queen, on the application of: Swedish Match AB and Swedish Match UK Ltd v Secretary of State for Health.
9. Case C–280/93 Germany v Council [1994] ECR I–4973.
10. Case C–293/97 Standley and Others [1999] ECR I–2603.
11. Case C–350/92 Spain v Council [1995] ECR I–1985.
12. Case C–359/92 Germany v Council [1994] ECR I–3681.
13. Case C–376/98 Germany v. European Parliament and the Council, judgment of 5 October 2000.
14. Case C–377/98 Netherlands v Parliament and Council [2001] ECR I–7079.
15. Case C–434/02– Arnold André; GmbH & Co. KG v Landrat des Kreises Herford.
16. Case C–491/01 British American Tobacco (Investments) and Imperial Tobacco [2002] ECR I–11453.
17. Commission Proposal for a Council directive amending Directives 92/79/EEC, 92/80/EEC and 95/59/EC on the struc–ture and rates of excise duty applied on manufactured tobacco // Document COM(2008) 459/2.
18. Commission Decision 2003/641/EC of 5 September 2003 on the use of colour photographs or other illustrations as health warnings on tobacco packages.
19. Commission Decision of 26 May 2005 on the library of selected source documents containing colour photographs or other illustrations for each of the additional warnings listed in annex 1 to Directive 2001/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (C(2005) 1452 final).
20. Commission of the European Communities Commission staff working document Accompanying document to the pro–posal for a Council Recommendation on smoke–free environments 30 June 2009 SEC(2009) 895.
21. Commission of the European Communities Proposal for a Council recommendation on smoke–free environments 30 June 2009 COM(2009) 328 final
22. Council Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by Law, Regulation or Administrative Action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities.
23. Directive 2001/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2001 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of to–bacco products // Official Journal L 194, 18/07/2001 P. 0026–0035
24. Directive 2010/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2010 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services (Audiovisual Media Services Directive).
25. Daniel Roth H., Roth A.B., Liu X. Health risks of smoking compared to Swedish snus / H. Daniel Roth, A.B. Roth, X. Liu // Inhal Toxicol. 2005. № 17(13). P. 741–748.
26. Directorate General Taxation and Custom Union Excise duty tables // REF 1031, July 2010
27. Fagerström K.O., Schildt E.B. Should the European Union lift the ban on snus? Evidence from the Swedish experience. / K.O. Fagerström, E.B. Schildt // Addiction. 2003. № 98(9). P. 1191–1195.
28. Hammond D et al. Impact of the graphic Canadian warning labels on adult smoking behaviour / D. Hammond et al. // Tob Control. 2003. № 12(4). R. 391–395.
29. Nordenvall C. et al. Smoking, snus use and risk of right– and left–sided colon, rectal, and anal cancer, a 37–year follow–up study / C. Nordenvall, P.J. Nilsson, W. Ye, O. Nyrén // Int J Cancer. 2010. —Mar 5. [Epub ahead of print]
30. Shelly L., Melzer S. The Nexus of Organized Crime and Terrorism: Two case studies in Cigarette Smuggling / L. Shelly, S. Melzer // International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 2008. № 32(1). R. 43–65.
31. Tomar S.L. et al. Oral mucosal smokeless tobacco lesions among adolescents in the United States / S.L. Tomar, D.M. Winn, P.A. Swango, G.A. Giovino, D.V. Kleinman // Journal of Dental Research. 1997. № 76. P. 1277–1286.
32. Tworek C. et al. State–level tobacco control policies and youth smoking cessation measures / C. Tworek, R. Yamaguchi, D.D. Kloska, S. Emery, D.C. Barker, G.A. Giovino, P.M. O’Malley, F.J. Chaloupka // Health Policy. 2010. May 17. [Epub ahead of print]
33. White V., Webster B., Wakefield M. Do graphic health warning labels have an impact on adolescents’ smoking– related beliefs and behaviours? / V. White, B. Webster, M. Wakefield // Addiction. 2008. № 103(9). R.1562–1571.
34. WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2009.
35. Zendehdel K. et al. Risk of gastroesophageal cancer among smokers and users of Scandinavian moist snuff / K. Zendehdel, O. Nyrén, J. Luo, P.W. Dickman, P. Boffetta, A. Englund, W. Ye // Int J Cancer. 2008. № 122(5). P. 1095–1099.
36. Yanin D. Pochemu v Rossii ne budet tabachnykh buntov //, 16 iyunya 2010 goda, blogpost/51237–pochemu–v–rossii–ne–budet–tabachnyh–buntov Data dostupa: 11 avgusta 2010 g