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Психология и Психотехника
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А. Адлер
Знание людей. Главы 7-8 (перевод Е.Г. Балагушкина)
// Психология и Психотехника.
2011. № 4.
С. 17-34.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58351
А. Адлер Знание людей. Главы 7-8 (перевод Е.Г. Балагушкина)Аннотация: This is the continuation of translation of Alfred Adler’s work ‘Knowledge of People’. There Adler talks about a special discipline in science, - knowledge of people as he calls it, - and also about human soul, social peculiarities of a spiritual life and inferiority complex, the latter being the natural result of human socialization, as Adler sees it. Ключевые слова: psychology, knowledge of people, Adler, human, society, child, inferiority complex.Abstract: This is the continuation of translation of Alfred Adler’s work ‘Knowledge of People’. There Adler talks about a special discipline in science, - knowledge of people as he calls it, - and also about human soul, social peculiarities of a spiritual life and inferiority complex, the latter being the natural result of human socialization, as Adler sees it. Keywords: psychology, knowledge of people, Adler, human, society, child, inferiority complex.
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