Психология и Психотехника
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М. Брюнсвик
Анализ случая паранойи (бред ревности). Перевод Е.С. Мордас. Часть 1
// Психология и Психотехника.
2010. № 2.
С. 33-43.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57238
М. Брюнсвик Анализ случая паранойи (бред ревности). Перевод Е.С. Мордас. Часть 1
This is the translation of a clinical case described by a famous American psychoanalyst and Freud’s follower M. Brunswick. In the first part of her description M. Brunswick speaks of the infantile sexual tendencies of the patient suffering from the delusion of jealousy.
Ключевые слова:
psychology, psychoanalysis, paranoia, delusion of jealousy, sexuality
Abstract: This is the translation of a clinical case described by a famous American psychoanalyst and Freud’s follower M. Brunswick. In the first part of her description M. Brunswick speaks of the infantile sexual tendencies of the patient suffering from the delusion of jealousy.
Keywords: psychology, psychoanalysis, paranoia, delusion of jealousy, sexuality