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Право и политика
Правильная ссылка на статью:
О. В. Калтыга
Экспертная политика российского государства на современном этапе
// Право и политика.
2010. № 12.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=51399
О. В. Калтыга Экспертная политика российского государства на современном этапеАннотация: This article is devoted to analysis of current legislation. The author analyzes the Federal Law “On Social Chamber of the Russian Federation”. The author shows the meaning of such terms, such as legal expertise of legal drafts, as well as bodies empowered to hold such expertise. The author then singles out key problems of expertise of legal drafts, and how to avoid these problems. Ключевые слова: jurisprudence, expertise, legislative draft, politics, law, corruption, legislation, project, opinion, stateAbstract: This article is devoted to analysis of current legislation. The author analyzes the Federal Law “On Social Chamber of the Russian Federation”. The author shows the meaning of such terms, such as legal expertise of legal drafts, as well as bodies empowered to hold such expertise. The author then singles out key problems of expertise of legal drafts, and how to avoid these problems. Keywords: jurisprudence, expertise, legislative draft, politics, law, corruption, legislation, project, opinion, state
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