Право и политика
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О.В. Тарасенко
Правовое регулирование земельных и имущественных отношений в морском порту
// Право и политика.
2008. № 9.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=50691
О.В. Тарасенко Правовое регулирование земельных и имущественных отношений в морском порту
After the new Town-Planning Code of the Russian Federation was accepted in 2004, the issue of land reservation as a separate legal institution is quite topical. Its study is presented in this article by I.V. Tkacheva.
Abstract: After the new Town-Planning Code of the Russian Federation was accepted in 2004, the issue of land reservation as a separate legal institution is quite topical. Its study is presented in this article by I.V. Tkacheva.