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Трапезников В.А. Валютное регулирование в международном инвестиционном праве

Аннотация: Boards of guardians, which function to protect the rights of children, are defending the public interest. However, public interest in this sphere is very closely related to protection of private interests of every particular child and his parents (guardians). Therefore, detailed legal regulation of competence, functions and powers of the boards of guardians is of great importance. It ought to show social value of their activity, protection and support of the state. In this article O.Y. Blokhina presents analysis of Russian legislation in this sphere, offers ideas of amending and improving existing legislation on the issue.

Abstract: Boards of guardians, which function to protect the rights of children, are defending the public interest. However, public interest in this sphere is very closely related to protection of private interests of every particular child and his parents (guardians). Therefore, detailed legal regulation of competence, functions and powers of the boards of guardians is of great importance. It ought to show social value of their activity, protection and support of the state. In this article O.Y. Blokhina presents analysis of Russian legislation in this sphere, offers ideas of amending and improving existing legislation on the issue.

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